author_idskos:definition"internal ID of person who submitted the change to the TOAR database"(xsd:string)
type_of_changeskos:definition"Type of change (see controlled vocabulary: Type Of Change)"(xsd:string)
mean_srtm_alt_90m_year1994skos:definition"mean value of altitude (in meter) within a radius of 90 m around station location of the year 1994"(xsd:string)
mean_srtm_alt_1km_year1994skos:definition"Mean altitude (in meter) in a radius of 1 km of the station location according to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)"(xsd:string)
max_srtm_relative_alt_5km_year1994skos:definition"maximum altitude (in meter) in a 5 km radius around the station location according to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) , maintained by SRTM 90m DEM Digital Elevation Database at CIAT-CSI SRTM ( data URL:"(xsd:string)
climatic_zone_year2016skos:definition"Climatic zones values 1901 - 2015 (see controlled vocabulary: Climatic Zone 2019)"(xsd:string)
htap_region_tier1_year2010skos:definition"The integer denoting the 'tier1' region defined in the task force on hemispheric transport of air pollution (TFHTAP) coordinated model studies (see controlled vocabulary: Station HTAP Region)"(xsd:string)
dominant_landcover_year2012skos:definition"The dominant land cover according to the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) data from ESA 2017 and UCLouvain, ' data_url:
(see controlled vocabulary: Station Landcover Type)"(xsd:string)
dominant_ecoregion_year2017skos:definition"Dominant ecoregion according to the RESOLVE Ecoregions dataset, updated in 2017. dataset URL:"(xsd:string)
distance_to_major_road_year2020skos:definition"value for the year 2020 of distance to major roads generated using OpenStreetMap Overpass interface (Overpass API 48842a1b)"(xsd:string)
mean_nightlight_1km_year2013skos:definition"Year 2013 nighttime lights brightness values at station location (original 1 km horizontal resolution). Reference: NOAA DMSP stable nighttime lights: a 0.925 km resolution dataset of non-ephemeral visible light intensity at night (Dataset:
mean value within a radius of 1 km around station location of the year 2013"(xsd:string)
mean_nightlight_5km_year2013skos:definition"Nighttime lights brightness values for the year 2013 at 5 km resolution (original 1 km horizontal resolution). (Dataset:
mean value within a radius of 5 km around station location of the year 2013"(xsd:string)
max_nightlight_25km_year2013skos:definition"Maximum nighttime lights brightness values for the year 2013 at 25 km resolution (original 1 km horizontal resolution). (Dataset:"(xsd:string)
max_nightlight_25km_year1992skos:definition"Maximum nighttime lights brightness values for the year 1992 at 25 km resolution (original 1 km horizontal resolution). (Dataset:"(xsd:string)
mean_population_density_250m_year2015skos:definition"mean value of human population within a radius of 250 m around station location of the year 2015. A grid with 9 arcsec resolution is used."(xsd:string)
mean_population_density_5km_year2015skos:definition"mean human population density value within a radius of 5 km around station location of the year 2015. A grid with 9 arcsec resolution is used."(xsd:string)
max_population_density_25km_year2015skos:definition"Year 2015 maximum population density within a radius of 25 km around station location. A grid with 30 arcsec resolution is used, the original_units are inhabitants_per_gridcell"(xsd:string)
mean_population_density_250m_year1990skos:definition"human population on a square of 250 m for the year 1990 (residents km-2) according to The European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EC JRC), data source:"(xsd:string)
mean_population_density_5km_year1990skos:definition"human population mean value within a radius of 5 km around station location of the year 1990. A grid with 9 arcsec resolution is used."(xsd:string)
max_population_density_25km_year1990skos:definition"Year 1990 maximum population density within a radius of 25 km around station location. A grid with 30 arcsec resolution is used, the original_units are inhabitants_per_gridcell"(xsd:string)
mean_nox_emissions_10km_year2015skos:definition"EDGAR emissions inventory for nitrogen oxides (NOx) at 0.1° resolution (Reference: Janssens-Maenhout et al., 2015:
mean value within a radius of 10 km around station location of the year 2015"(xsd:string)
mean_nox_emissions_10km_year2000skos:definition"EDGAR emissions inventory for nitrogen oxides (NOx) at 0.1° resolution (Reference: Janssens-Maenhout et al., 1990:
mean value within a radius of 10 km around station location of the year 1990"(xsd:string)
wheat_production_year2000skos:definition"Wheat production year2000. Y2000 wheat production amount at station location (units: thousand tons). (Reference: Dataset:"(xsd:string)
rice_production_year2000skos:definition"Y2000 rice production amount at station location (units: thousand tons) (Reference: Dataset:"(xsd:string)
omi_no2_column_years2011to2015skos:definition"Average Y2011-Y2015 tropospheric NO2 columns from OMI at 0.1 degree resolution in units of 10^15 molecules cm-2 (Reference: Krotkov et al., 2016: (no public download))"(xsd:string)
toar1_categoryskos:definition"The station classification for the Tropsopheric Ozone Assessment Report based on the station proxy data that are stored in the TOAR V1 database (see controlled vocabulary: Station TOAR Category)"(xsd:string)
roleskos:definition"Role of contact (see controlled vocabulary: Role Code)"(xsd:string)
statusskos:definition"Status of contact (see controlled vocabulary: Role Status)"(xsd:string)
personskos:definition"data for person of the contact information"(xsd:string)
organisationskos:definition"data for organisation of the contact information"(xsd:string)
nameskos:definition"Short name (abbreviation) of organisation"(xsd:string)
nameskos:definition"Station name for use in TOAR; normally equal to name given by the data provider"(xsd:string)
codesskos:definition"list of station's codes (identifiers)"(xsd:string)
coordinate_validation_statusskos:definition"Flag indicating whether the location of a station has been verified (see controlled vocabulary: Station Coordinate Validity)"(xsd:string)
countryskos:definition"The country, where the station resides, or which operates the station (e.g. in Antarctica) (see controlled vocabulary: Country Code)"(xsd:string)
stateskos:definition"The state or province, where the station resides"(xsd:string)
labelskos:definition"a short string to distinguish this time series from others with the same combination of station and variable"(xsd:string)
orderskos:definition"indicates position of this time series in a list when several time series share the same station and variable combination"(xsd:string)
sampling_frequencyskos:definition"Sampling frequency of data in this time series (see controlled vocabulary: Sampling Frequency)"(xsd:string)
aggregationskos:definition"Aggregation type in this time series (see controlled vocabulary: Aggregation Type)"(xsd:string)
data_start_dateskos:definition"Start date of the variable data available for this station"(xsd:string)
data_end_dateskos:definition"End date of the variable data available for this station"(xsd:string)
data_originskos:definition"origin of data (model name or instrument) (see controlled vocabulary: Data Origin)"(xsd:string)
data_origin_typeskos:definition"type of data origin (see controlled vocabulary: Data Origin Type)"(xsd:string)
nameskos:definition"Short variable-like name of the variable"(xsd:string)
latskos:definition"latitude coordinate of station (decimal degrees_east). This is our best estimate of the station location which is not always identical to the official station coordinates (see potential changelog entry)."(xsd:string)
lngskos:definition"longitude coordinate of station (decimal degrees_north). This is our best estimate of the station location which is not always identical to the official station coordinates (see potential changelog entry)."(xsd:string)
altskos:definition"altitude of station (in m above sea level). This is our best estimate of the station altitude, which is not always identical to the reported station altitude, but frequently uses the elevation from google earth instead (see potential changelog entry)."(xsd:string)
calibration_typeskos:definition"element to describe the calibration: automated or manual calibration (see controlled vocabulary: Calibration Type)"(xsd:string)
calibration_frequencyskos:definition"The calibration frequency in case the calibration occurs regularly Example: 7 days"(xsd:string)
calibration_descriptionskos:definition"the calibration procedure, including a reference to the calibration scale – as long as it fits into one line. Example: CNRS reference photometer, traced to NIST, weekly calibration"(xsd:string)
absorption_cross_sectionskos:definition"consensus value for the ozone absorption cross section (see controlled vocabulary: Absorption Cross Section)
albedoskos:definition"Albedo is the ratio of outgoing to incoming shortwave irradiance, where 'shortwave irradiance' means that both the incoming and outgoing radiation are integrated across the solar spectrum. "Canopy" means the vegetative covering over a surface. The canopy is often considered to be the outer surfaces of the vegetation. Plant height and the distribution, orientation and shape of plant leaves within a canopy influence the atmospheric environment and many plant processes within the canopy. Reference: AMS Glossary The surface_albedo restricted to the area type "vegetation" is related to canopy_albedo, but the former also includes the effect of radiation being reflected from the ground underneath the canopy."(xsd:string)
aswdifuskos:definition"averaged diffuse upward sw radiation at the surface"(xsd:string)
aswdirskos:definition"Downwelling radiation is radiation from above. It does not mean "net downward". The sign convention is that "upwelling" is positive upwards and "downwelling" is positive downwards. The term "shortwave" means shortwave radiation. When thought of as being incident on a surface, a radiative flux is sometimes called "irradiance". In addition, it is identical with the quantity measured by a cosine-collector light-meter and sometimes called "vector irradiance". In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics."(xsd:string)
Suburbanskos:definition"Largely built-up urban area. ‘Largely built-up’ means contiguous settlement of detached buildings of any size with a building density less than for ‘continuously built-up’ area. The built-up area is mixed with non-urbanised areas (e.g. agricultural, lakes, woods). It must also be noted that ‘suburban’ as defined here has a different meaning than in every day English i.e. ‘an outlying part of a city or town’ suggesting that a suburban area is always associated to an urban area. In our context, a suburban area can be suburban on its own without any urban part."(xsd:string)
Ruralskos:definition"All areas, that do not fulfil the criteria for urban or suburban areas, are defined as "rural" areas. There are three subdivisions in this category to indicate the distance to the nearest built-up urban area: Rural – near city: area within 10 km from the border of an urban or suburban area; Rural – regional: 10-50 km from major sources/source areas; Rural – remote: > 50 km from major sources/source areas."(xsd:string)
Trafficskos:definition"Located in close proximity to a single major road."(xsd:string)
Industrialskos:definition"Located in close proximity to a single industrial source or industrial area. A wide range of industrial sources can be considered here, including thermal power generation district heating plants refineries waste incineration/treatment plants, dump sites mining, including gravel, oil, natural gas airports ports."(xsd:string)
Backgroundskos:definition"Any location with is neither to be classified as “traffic” or “industrial”. Located such that its pollution levels are representative of the average exposure of the general population (or vegetation and natural ecosystems) within the type of area under assessment. The pollution level should not be dominated by a single source type (e.g. traffic), unless that source type is typical within the area under assessment. The station should usually be representative of a wider area of at least several square kilometres."(xsd:string)
PointOfContactskos:definition"Party who can be contacted for acquiring knowledge about or acquisition of the resource"(xsd:string)
PrincipalInvestigatorskos:definition"Key party responsible for gathering information and conducting research. This is the person who is responsible for making the measurements and securing the quality of the data. In general, there should be exactly one PrincipalInvestigator associated with every measurement and (a possibly different person) associated with a station. The PrincipalInvestigator may delegate responsibilities, for example to technicians or postdoctoral researchers, and yet remain PrincipalInvestigator as the person overseeing the measurements and data distribution."(xsd:string)
Originatorskos:definition"Party who created the resource. We use this role primarily for government data, where PrincipalInvestigators are usually not defined."(xsd:string)
Contributorskos:definition"Party contributing to the resource. This role applies to any person who is involved in making the measurements or processing the data. Normally, the PrincipalInvestigator will decide who shall be listed as contributor."(xsd:string)
Collaboratorskos:definition"Party who assists with the generation of the resource other than the principal investigator. This can be a person who has been involved in making the measurements or processing the data, but who is either not part of the institution responsible for the measurement or who has “contributed” only temporarily. One situation we have encountered in TOAR, where nomination of collaborators makes sense is when university researchers assist government agencies in preparing their data for submission to the TOAR database."(xsd:string)
ResourceProviderskos:definition"Party that supplies the resource. This role is assigned to government data obtained indirectly. For example, the data of the European Airbase originates from national environmental agencies, but the European Environmental Agency acts as ResourceProvider."(xsd:string)
Custodianskos:definition"Party that accepts accountability and responsibility for the resource and ensures appropriate care and maintenance of the resource. This describes our responsibilities as TOAR data centre team."(xsd:string)
Createdskos:definition"the data record has been created"(xsd:string)
OKValidatedVerifiedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data and passed the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre. In addition, the data was subjected to manual inspection of the data summary plots."(xsd:string)
OKValidatedQCPassedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data and passed the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
OKValidatedModifiedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data and did not pass the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre in the first pass. The data value was changed according to feedback from the data provider or if an obvious correction was possible."(xsd:string)
OKPreliminaryVerifiedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data and passed the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre. In addition, the data was subjected to manual inspection of the data summary plots."(xsd:string)
OKPreliminaryQCPassedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data and passed the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
OKPreliminaryModifiedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data and did not pass the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre in the first pass. The data value was changed according to feedback from the data provider or if an obvious correction was possible."(xsd:string)
OKEstimatedskos:definition"Data value derived from an interpolation or modelling tool to fill a data gap. Note: you will never find this flag value in any “original” time series, but the name of the time series will indicate clearly if it contains estimated values. Some statistics may be more reliable if they are based on complete time series and thus avoid sampling biases."(xsd:string)
OKPreliminaryNotCheckedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data and no QC test was run, for example because of an incomplete time series."(xsd:string)
QuestionableValidatedConfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data with a quality flag indicating potential problems with the data value. The data value was also flagged as suspicious by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
QuestionableValidatedUnconfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data with a quality flag indicating potential problems with the data value. However, the data value was not flagged as suspicious by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
QuestionableValidatedFlaggedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data with no indication of potential problems. However, the data value was flagged as suspicious by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
QuestionablePreliminaryConfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data with a quality flag indicating potential problems with the data value. The data value was also flagged as suspicious or erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
QuestionablePreliminaryUnconfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data with a quality flag indicating potential problems with the data value. However, the data value was not flagged as suspicious or erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
QuestionablePreliminaryFlaggedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data with no indication of potential problems. However, the data value was flagged as suspicious by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
QuestionablePreliminaryNotCheckedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data with a quality flag indicating potential problems with the data value. No QC test was run, for example because of an incomplete time series."(xsd:string)
ErroneousValidatedConfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data with a quality flag indicating an erroneous data value. The data value was also flagged as suspicious or erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousValidatedUnconfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data with a quality flag indicating an erroneous data value. However, the data value was not flagged as suspicious or erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousValidatedFlagged1skos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data with no indication of potential problems. However, the data value was flagged as erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousValidatedFlagged2skos:definition"Data was received from provider as final validated data flagged as questionable values. However, the data value was flagged as erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousPreliminaryConfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data with a quality flag indicating an erroneous data value. The data value was also flagged as suspicious or erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousPreliminaryUnconfirmedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data with a quality flag indicating an erroneous data value. However, the data value was not flagged as suspicious or erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousPreliminaryFlagged1skos:definition"Preliminary or near realtime data was received from provider with no indication of potential problems. However, the data value was flagged as erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousPreliminaryFlagged2skos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data flagged as questionable. However, the data value was flagged as erroneous by the automatic quality control tests of the TOAR data centre."(xsd:string)
ErroneousPreliminaryNotCheckedskos:definition"Data was received from provider as preliminary or near realtime data with a quality flag indicating an erroneous data value. No QC test was run, for example because of an incomplete time series."(xsd:string)
MissingValueskos:definition"The data provider reported a missing value at this time stamp. Generally, the TOAR database will not explicitly store missing values but instead simply leave out the data value at that timestamp. However, there are situations when missing values are coded in the time series, for example if a new version of a dataset replaces formerly valid values by missing values."(xsd:string)
UnknownQualityStatusskos:definition"Also known as „not checked“. Technical flag to allow setting a quality status to unknown. The data provider did not report the data quality status and no QC test was run, for example because of an incomplete time series. This flag value can only be seen for realtime data, because all validated data are assumed to be OK by default."(xsd:string)
AllOKskos:definition"Data values were deemed OK by the provider and the TOAR quality control tool did not find any obvious errors. Note that validated data with no explicit quality information is treated as “provider OK”, whereas preliminary data with no explicit quality information is treated as “not checked by provider”. This status also covers data values which had been erroneous at first but were corrected by the provider or based on feedback by the provider."(xsd:string)
ValidatedOKskos:definition"Data were sent by provider as validated data, data values were deemed OK by the provider and the TOAR quality control tool did not find any obvious errors."(xsd:string)
PreliminaryOKskos:definition"Data were sent by provider as preliminary (or realtime) data, data values were deemed OK by the provider (usually no explicit quality information is given with realtime data) and the TOAR quality control tool did not find any obvious errors."(xsd:string)
NotModifiedOKskos:definition"Similar to AllOK, but modified data values are not included."(xsd:string)
ModifiedOKskos:definition"Data values had been erroneous at first but were corrected by the provider or based on feedback by the provider."(xsd:string)
AllQuestionableskos:definition"Data were labelled as questionable by provider or marked as questionable by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
ValidatedQuestionableskos:definition"Validated data that were labelled as questionable by provider or marked as questionable by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
PreliminaryQuestionableskos:definition"Preliminary (realtime) data that were labelled as questionable by provider or marked as questionable by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
AllErroneousskos:definition"Data were labelled as erroneous by provider or marked as erroneous by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
ValidatedErroneousskos:definition"Validated data that were labelled as erroneous by provider or marked as erroneous by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
PreliminaryErroneousskos:definition"Preliminary (realtime) data that were labelled as erroneous by provider or marked as erroneous by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
AllQuestionableOrErroneousskos:definition"Data were labelled as questionable or erroneous by provider or marked as questionable or erroneous by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
ValidatedQuestionableOrErroneousskos:definition"Validated data that were labelled as questionable or erroneous by provider or marked as questionable or erroneous by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
PreliminaryQuestionableOrErroneousskos:definition"Preliminary (realtime) data that were labelled as questionable or erroneous by provider or marked as questionable or erroneous by the automated TOAR quality control test."(xsd:string)
NotCheckedskos:definition"Preliminary (realtime) data on which no automated quality control procedure has been run due to, for example, an incomplete time series. Note that a simple range check with bounds defined per variable is normally run anyhow, but this simple test cannot lead to the result “QC passed”."(xsd:string)
Barrenskos:definition"16 (Barren or sparsely vegetated)"(xsd:string)
Barrenskos:definition"Lands with exposed soil, sand, rocks, or snow and never have more than 10% vegetated cover during any time of the year"(xsd:string)
ClosedShrublandsskos:definition"Lands with woody vegetation less than 2 m tall and with shrub canopy cover >60%. The shrub foliage can be either evergreen or deciduous"(xsd:string)
Croplandsskos:definition"Lands covered with temporary crops followed by harvest and a bare soil period (e.g., single and multiple cropping systems). Note that perennial woody crops will be classified as the appropriate forest or shrub land cover type"(xsd:string)
DCBroadleafskos:definition"Deciduous Broadleaf forest: Lands dominated by woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Consists of broadleaf tree communities with an annual cycle of leaf-on and leaf-off periods"(xsd:string)
DCNeedleleafskos:definition"Deciduous Needleleaf forest: Lands dominated by woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Consists of seasonal needleleaf tree communities with an annual cycle of leaf-on and leaf-off periods"(xsd:string)
EGBroadleafskos:definition"Evergreen Broadleaf forest: Lands dominated by broadleaf woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Almost all trees and shrubs remain green year round. Canopy is never without green foliage"(xsd:string)
EGNeedleleafskos:definition"Evergreen Needleleaf forest: Lands dominated by needleleaf woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Almost all trees remain green all year. Canopy is never without green foliage"(xsd:string)
MixedForestsskos:definition"Lands dominated by trees with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Consists of tree communities with interspersed mixtures or mosaics of the other four forest types. None of the forest types exceeds 60% of landscape"(xsd:string)
Mosaicskos:definition"Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic: Lands with a mosaic of croplands, forests, shrubland, and grasslands in which no one component comprises more than 60% of the landscape"(xsd:string)
OpenShrublandsskos:definition"Lands with woody vegetation less than 2 m tall and with shrub canopy cover between 10% and 60%. The shrub foliage can be either evergreen or deciduous"(xsd:string)
Savannasskos:definition"Lands with herbaceous and other understory systems, and with forest canopy cover between 10% and 30%. The forest cover height exceeds 2 m"(xsd:string)
Wetlandsskos:definition"Permanent wetlands: Lands with a permanent mixture of water and herbaceous or woody vegetation. The vegetation can be present either in salt, brackish, or fresh water."(xsd:string)
WoodySavannasskos:definition"Lands with herbaceous and other understory systems, and with forest canopy cover between 30% and 60%. The forest cover height exceeds 2 m"(xsd:string)
RuralHighElevationskos:definition"station_omi_no2_column <= 8 and station_nightlight_5km <= 25 and station_population_density <= 3000 and (station_google_alt > 1500 or (station_google_alt > 800 and station_etopo_relative_alt < 500))"(xsd:string)
RuralLowElevationskos:definition"station_omi_no2_column <= 8 and station_nightlight_5km <= 25 and station_population_density <= 3000 and station_max_population_density_5km <= 30000 and station_google_alt <= 1500 and station_etopo_relative_alt < 500"(xsd:string)
Urbanskos:definition"is defined as: station_population_density >= 15000 and station_nightlight_1km >= 60 and station_max_nightlight_25km == 63"(xsd:string)
COSMOREA6skos:definition"The high-resolution reanalysis system COSMO-REA6 has been developed based on the NWP model COSMO. The regional reanalysis system for Continental Europe matches the domain of the CORDEX EURO-11 specifications, albeit at a higher spatial resolution, i.e., 0.055° (6 km) instead of 0.11° (12 km).
The data is prepared by Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research • Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics (Universities Bonn and Cologne) and German Meteorological Service (DWD)"(xsd:string)
ERA5skos:definition"ERA5 is the fifth generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis of the global climate covering the period from January 1950 to present. ERA5 is produced by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at ECMWF."(xsd:string)
Instrumentskos:definition"the measurement has been done with an instrument"(xsd:string)
Stakeholderskos:definition"an individual or organization who has an interest in the resource and/or is affected by or affects the actions of the resource"(xsd:string)
RightsHolderskos:definition"the individual or organization who has ownership of the legal right to the resource"(xsd:string)
CCQM.O3.2019skos:definition"The 2019 value of 1.1329 x 10-17 cm² and standard uncertainty 0.0035 x 10-17 cm² will be adopted for the ozone absorption cross-section per molecule at 253.65 nm (air) for use in ozone measurement standards maintained at the BIPM and for the calculation of the reference value for the BIPM.QM-K1 on-going comparison of surface ozone measurement standards"(xsd:string)
Hearn1961skos:definition"The absorption coefficient of gaseous ozone has been measured for the mercury lines at 2537, 2894, 2967, 3021, 3342, and 5770 Å, by measuring the optical absorption and the pressure as the ozone decays in a sealed quartz absorption tube."(xsd:string)