TOAR Data FAQ -- User Guide
1. Frequently asked questions about general aspects
1.1. What are the differences between the System and the Service Components of TOAR?
1.2. How do I get directly to the TOAR database infrastructre?
1.3. How can I stay up to date about the TOAR Initiative?
1.4. How can I publish the data I have used for a journal publication?
1.5. Under which licence will the data be published?
1.6. Can I make sure that the data is not published before the journal paper has been published?
1.7. What is the scope of the data collection in TOAR-II, both with respect to the portal and the database?
2. Frequently asked questions about the TOAR Data Portal
2.1. What functions does the TOAR Data Portal offer?
2.2. Which data sources are linked from the TOAR Data Portal?
2.3. How I can registered my data on TOAR data portal?
2.4. Do you have a preferred format and metadata profile for data that is listed in the data portal?
2.5. What is hidden behind the links to REST API in the TOAR data portal entries?
2.6. Are you actively monitoring all the pointers in the TOAR data portal in case there are changes on the web pages or services hosting the original datasets?
2.7. Since we are considering precursor information in TOAR-II, will we have links for that?
3. Frequently asked questions about the TOAR Database (user)
3.1. Which data/metadata are available in TOAR DB?
3.2. Where does the data come from?
3.3. Where do I find the metadata catalogue?
3.4. How do I retrieve data?
3.5. How to interpret the retrieved data?
3.6. How long will TOAR data remain available?
3.7. Is the data historic or near-real time?
3.8. Has the data been curated?
3.9. What is the quality of the data?
3.10. Can I search for a certain quality level?
3.11. Under which conditions may I use the data?
3.12. How do I get access to TOAR DB?
3.13. How can I cite the TOAR DB?
3.14. What about acknowledging the original data provider?
3.15. Is there a GUI available for accessing the TOAR database?
3.16. Where can I get further support?
4. Frequently asked questions about the TOAR Database (data provider)
4.1. How flexible are you with respect to the time format? Your recommendation is not exactly ISO and doesn‘t include seconds.
4.2. Do you accept data in resolutions other than hourly?
4.3. If we already submitted data to the GAW data centre. Do we have to resubmit this to TOAR?
4.4. What happens if we submit a corrected version of our data to the GAW data centre after you harvested the data from there. Do we have to inform you about this?
4.5. Is there a place to upload measurement intercomparison data?
4.6. Some data in TOAR-v1 did not comply with the CC-BY 4 license. Will data providers be contacted to obtain a new agreement?
TOAR Data FAQ -- User Guide